December 9, 2019 Spotify for Artists


Originally posted December r 9, 2019 on Instagram.

Not gonna lie, this is pretty sweet to me. 😁
I want what little music I do to connect with people in some way and hopefully lead to growth and transformation. Yes, I will continue to share my music and creative life journey on here, but I’m not a huge “sell myself” type artist. If you like what I do great, if not, that’s fine. Please move on. I want my marketing to be genuine and honest and come from that place. I don’t care how many followers I have or likes I get. As long as what I do and how I live my life encourages transformation in peoples lives, no matter how big or small the crowd, I’m thankful. 🙏💜 (Please don’t take this as a critisim of how you use social media to market yourself. You do you. And a lot of you have made it big in a genuine way. I just want to connect with people on a genuine level and not as a marketing strategy, and have people invest in me that way. And a lot of you get that).🤘